GET api/current/drivers

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This endpoint retrieves details about all the drivers in the database. Of the current season.

Example Response

  "api": "",
  "url": "",
  "limit": 1,
  "offset": 0,
  "total": 1,
  "season": 2025,
  "championshipId": "f1_2025",
  "drivers": [
      "driverId": "max_verstappen",
      "name": "Max",
      "surname": "Verstappen",
      "nationality": "Netherlands",
      "birthday": "30/09/1997",
      "number": 33,
      "shortName": "VER",
      "url": "",
      "teamId": "red_bull"

Response Types

apistringThe base API URL for the F1 Connect service.
urlstringThe URL used to fetch the drivers data with query parameters for limit and offset.
limitnumberThe number of results returned per request.
offsetnumberThe offset used for pagination, i.e., the starting point for the result set.
totalnumberThe total number of drivers available in the dataset.
seasonnumberThe season of the championship.
championshipIdstringThe championship id.
driversarrayA list of driver objects returned from the API.
driverIdstringA unique identifier for the driver.
namestringThe driver's first name.
surnamestringThe driver's surname.
nationalitystringThe driver's nationality.
birthdaystringThe driver's birthdate in DD/MM/YYYY format.
numbernumberThe driver's racing number.
shortNamestringThe driver's abbreviated name, often used in standings or graphics.
urlstringA URL to the Wikipedia page of the driver.
teamIdstringThe team id.

Response Params

limit30Number of records returned per request.
offset0Number of records skipped before starting to fetch.

Response Status

200Successful request
404Resource not found
500Internal server error