api | string | The base API URL. |
url | string | The endpoint URL. |
limit | number | The number of results returned per request. |
offset | number | The offset used for pagination, i.e., the starting point for the result set. |
total | number | Total number of races returned. |
season | number | The season year of the championship. |
round | number | The round number of the race. |
championshipId | string | The unique ID of the championship. |
championshipName | string | The name of the championship. |
championshipUrl | string | The URL to the championship's Wikipedia page. |
championshipYear | number | The year of the championship. |
raceId | string | The unique ID of the race. |
raceName | string | The name of the race. |
raceDate | string | The date of the race. |
raceTime | string | The time of the race. |
qualyDate | string | The date of the qualification. |
qualyTime | string | The time of the qualification. |
fp1Date | string | The date of Free Practice 1. |
fp1Time | string | The time of Free Practice 1. |
fp2Date | string | The date of Free Practice 2. |
fp2Time | string | The time of Free Practice 2. |
fp3Date | string | The date of Free Practice 3. |
fp3Time | string | The time of Free Practice 3. |
sprintQualyDate | string | The date of Sprint Qualification. |
sprintQualyTime | string | The time of Sprint Qualification. |
sprintRaceDate | string | The date of the sprint race. |
sprintRaceTime | string | The time of the sprint race. |
laps | number | The number of laps in the race. |
round | number | The round number of the race. |
url | string | The URL to the race's Wikipedia page. |
fast_lap | object | The fastest lap of the race. |
fast_lap_driver_id | string | The driverId of the fastest lap driver. |
fast_lap_team_id | string | The teamId of the fastest lap team. |
circuit | object | The circuit object. |
circuitId | string | The circuit id. |
circuitName | string | The circuit name. |
country | string | The circuit country. |
city | string | The circuit city. |
circuitLength | string | The circuit length in kilometers. |
lapRecord | string | The lap record for the circuit. |
firstParticipationYear | number | The year the circuit first hosted a Grand Prix. |
corners | number | The number of corners on the circuit. |
fastestLapDriverId | string | The driverId of the fastest lap driver. |
fastestLapTeamId | string | The teamId of the fastest lap team. |
fastestLapYear | number | The year the fastest lap was set. |
url | string | A URL to the Wikipedia page of the circuit. |
winner | object | The winner of the race. |
driverId | string | The driverId of the winner. |
name | string | The name of the winner. |
surname | string | The surname of the winner. |
country | string | The country of the winner. |
birthday | string | The birthday of the winner. |
number | number | null | The number of the winner. |
shortName | string | The short name of the winner. |
url | string | A URL to the Wikipedia page of the winner. |
teamWinner | object | The team winner of the race. |
teamId | string | The teamId of the team winner. |
teamName | string | The name of the team winner. |
country | string | The country of the team winner. |
firstAppearance | number | The year the team first appeared in a Grand Prix. |
constructorsChampionships | number | null | The number of constructors championships the team has won. |
driversChampionships | number | null | The number of drivers championships the team has won. |
url | string | A URL to the Wikipedia page of the team winner. |