GET api/current/last

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This endpoint retrieves details about the last race of the current season.

Example Response

  "api": "",
  "url": "https://f1connectapi.vercel.appapi/current/last",
  "total": 1,
  "season": 2024,
  "round": 24,
  "championship": {
    "championshipId": "f1_2024",
    "championshipName": "2024 Formula 1 World Championship",
    "url": "",
    "year": 2024
  "race": [
      "raceId": "abu_dhabi_2024",
      "championshipId": "f1_2024",
      "raceName": "Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix 2024",
      "schedule": {
        "race": {
          "date": "2024-12-08",
          "time": "13:00:00Z"
        "qualy": {
          "date": "2024-12-07",
          "time": "14:00:00Z"
        "fp1": {
          "date": "2024-12-06",
          "time": "09:30:00Z"
        "fp2": {
          "date": "2024-12-06",
          "time": "13:00:00Z"
        "fp3": {
          "date": "2024-12-07",
          "time": "10:30:00Z"
        "sprintQualy": {
          "date": null,
          "time": null
        "sprintRace": {
          "date": null,
          "time": null
      "laps": 58,
      "round": 24,
      "url": "",
      "fast_lap": {
        "fast_lap": null,
        "fast_lap_driver_id": null,
        "fast_lap_team_id": null
      "circuit": {
        "circuitId": "yas_marina",
        "circuitName": "Yas Marina Circuit",
        "country": "Abu Dhabi",
        "city": "Yas Island",
        "circuitLength": "5281km",
        "lapRecord": "1:26:103",
        "firstParticipationYear": 2009,
        "corners": 16,
        "fastestLapDriverId": "max_verstappen",
        "fastestLapTeamId": "red_bull",
        "fastestLapYear": 2021,
        "url": ""
      "winner": {
        "driverId": "norris",
        "name": "Lando",
        "surname": "Norris",
        "country": "Great Britain",
        "birthday": "13/11/1999",
        "number": 4,
        "shortName": "NOR",
        "url": ""
      "teamWinner": {
        "teamId": "mclaren",
        "teamName": "McLaren Formula 1 Team",
        "country": "Great Britain",
        "firstAppearance": 1966,
        "constructorsChampionships": 9,
        "driversChampionships": 12,
        "url": ""

Response Types

apistringThe base API URL.
urlstringThe endpoint URL.
totalnumberTotal number of races returned.
seasonnumberThe season year of the championship.
roundnumberThe round number of the race.
championshipIdstringThe unique ID of the championship.
championshipNamestringThe name of the championship.
championshipUrlstringThe URL to the championship's Wikipedia page.
championshipYearnumberThe year of the championship.
raceIdstringThe unique ID of the race.
raceNamestringThe name of the race.
raceDatestringThe date of the race.
raceTimestringThe time of the race.
qualyDatestringThe date of the qualification.
qualyTimestringThe time of the qualification.
fp1DatestringThe date of Free Practice 1.
fp1TimestringThe time of Free Practice 1.
fp2DatestringThe date of Free Practice 2.
fp2TimestringThe time of Free Practice 2.
fp3DatestringThe date of Free Practice 3.
fp3TimestringThe time of Free Practice 3.
sprintQualyDatestringThe date of Sprint Qualification.
sprintQualyTimestringThe time of Sprint Qualification.
sprintRaceDatestringThe date of the sprint race.
sprintRaceTimestringThe time of the sprint race.
lapsnumberThe number of laps in the race.
roundnumberThe round number of the race.
urlstringThe URL to the race's Wikipedia page.
fast_lapobjectThe fastest lap of the race.
fast_lap_driver_idstringThe driverId of the fastest lap driver.
fast_lap_team_idstringThe teamId of the fastest lap team.
circuitobjectThe circuit object.
circuitIdstringThe circuit id.
circuitNamestringThe circuit name.
countrystringThe circuit country.
citystringThe circuit city.
circuitLengthstringThe circuit length in kilometers.
lapRecordstringThe lap record for the circuit.
firstParticipationYearnumberThe year the circuit first hosted a Grand Prix.
cornersnumberThe number of corners on the circuit.
fastestLapDriverIdstringThe driverId of the fastest lap driver.
fastestLapTeamIdstringThe teamId of the fastest lap team.
fastestLapYearnumberThe year the fastest lap was set.
urlstringA URL to the Wikipedia page of the circuit.
winnerobjectThe winner of the race.
driverIdstringThe driverId of the winner.
namestringThe name of the winner.
surnamestringThe surname of the winner.
countrystringThe country of the winner.
birthdaystringThe birthday of the winner.
numbernumber | nullThe number of the winner.
shortNamestringThe short name of the winner.
urlstringA URL to the Wikipedia page of the winner.
teamWinnerobjectThe team winner of the race.
teamIdstringThe teamId of the team winner.
teamNamestringThe name of the team winner.
countrystringThe country of the team winner.
firstAppearancenumberThe year the team first appeared in a Grand Prix.
constructorsChampionshipsnumber | nullThe number of constructors championships the team has won.
driversChampionshipsnumber | nullThe number of drivers championships the team has won.
urlstringA URL to the Wikipedia page of the team winner.

Response Params

No params for this endpoint.

Response Status

200Successful request
404Resource not found
500Internal server error