GET api/current/last/sprint/qualy

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This endpoint retrieves the results of the latest sprint qualy of the current season.

Example Response

  "api": "",
  "url": "",
  "limit": 1,
  "total": 1,
  "season": "2024",
  "races": {
    "round": "5",
    "date": "2024-04-19",
    "time": "08:30:00Z",
    "url": "",
    "raceId": "china_2024",
    "raceName": "Lenovo Chinese Grand Prix 2024",
    "circuit": {
      "circuitId": "shangai",
      "circuitName": "Shangai International Circuit",
      "country": "China",
      "city": "Shangai",
      "circuitLength": "5451km",
      "corners": 16,
      "firstParticipationYear": 2004,
      "lapRecord": "1:32:238",
      "fastestLapDriverId": "michael_schumacher",
      "fastestLapTeamId": "ferrari",
      "fastestLapYear": 2004,
      "url": ""
    "sprintQualyResults": [
        "sprintQualyId": 17,
        "driverId": "norris",
        "teamId": "mclaren",
        "sq1": "1:36.384\t",
        "sq2": "1:36.047\t",
        "Sq3": "1:57.940\t",
        "gridPosition": 1,
        "driver": {
          "driverId": "norris",
          "number": 4,
          "name": "Lando",
          "surname": "Norris",
          "shortName": "NOR",
          "url": "",
          "nationality": "Great Britain",
          "birthday": "13/11/1999"
        "team": {
          "teamId": "mclaren",
          "teamName": "McLaren Formula 1 Team",
          "teamNationality": "Great Britain",
          "firstAppeareance": 1966,
          "constructorsChampionships": 9,
          "driversChampionships": 12,
          "url": ""

Response Types

roundstringThe race round of the championship.
qualyDatestringThe qualy date in format YYYY-MM-DD.
qualyTimestringThe qualy time in format HH:MM:SS.
urlstringA URL to the Wikipedia page of the race.
raceIdstringThe race id.
raceNamestringThe race name.
circuitobjectThe circuit object.
circuitIdstringThe circuit id.
circuitNamestringThe circuit name.
countrystringThe circuit country.
citystringThe circuit city.
circuitLengthstringThe circuit length in kilometers.
lapRecordstringThe lap record for the circuit.
firstParticipationYearnumberThe year the circuit first hosted a Grand Prix.
cornersnumberThe number of corners on the circuit.
fastestLapDriverIdstringThe driverId of the fastest lap driver.
fastestLapTeamIdstringThe teamId of the fastest lap team.
fastestLapYearnumberThe year the fastest lap was set.
urlstringA URL to the Wikipedia page of the circuit.
sprintQualyResultsarrayA list of sprint qualy results objects returned from the API.
sprintQualyIdstringThe sprint qualy result id.
driverIdstringThe driver id.
teamIdstringThe team id.
sq1stringThe best lap of the driver in sq1.
sq2stringThe best lap of the driver in sq2.
sq3stringThe best lap of the driver in sq3.
driverobjectThe driver object.
driverIdstringThe driver id.
namestringThe driver's first name.
surnamestringThe driver's surname.
nationalitystringThe driver's nationality.
birthdaystringThe driver's birthday in DD/MM/YYYY format.
numbernumberThe driver's racing number.
shortNamestringThe driver's abbreviated name, often used in standings or graphics.
urlstringA URL to the Wikipedia page of the driver.
teamobjectThe team object.
teamIdstringThe team id.
teamNamestringThe team name.
nationalitystringThe team nationality.
firstAppareancenumberThe year the team first appeared in a Grand Prix.
constructorsChampionshipsnumberThe number of constructors championships the team has won.
driversChampionshipsnumberThe number of drivers championships the team has won.
urlstringA URL to the Wikipedia page of the team.

Response Params

limit30Number of records returned per request.
offset0Number of records skipped before starting to fetch.

Response Status

200Successful request
404Resource not found
500Internal server error